What sports do you play?
Soccer, Touch Rugby, Sepak Takraw
Why did you take up the role of sports director and what does the role mean to you?
RH is my second home, and it is where I met my closest friends in uni. This motivates me to contribute back to hall, and I felt that I could do so by helping RHesidents have a great IHG experience this coming year.
What does IHG mean to you?
IHG is a platform which promotes interaction between sportsmen of different halls.
It is an avenue to allow sportsmen to showcase whatever skills and knowledge they’ve picked up in the past 5 months. The most important thing would be that through the process of training and competing, sportsmen will be able to enjoy themselves and ultimately find close friends in the residential community.
What do you hope IHG mean for other people?
Even though IHG may seem to be very competitive, I hope that everyone will enjoy the games and the sport. That being said, I hope that we will all play by the rules of our sport and abide to the spirit of sportsmanship.